• Lebenswert TV

    Out of the Box – Into a glorious Future

    Welcome to the new episode of the podcast of „Life Value TV“, the podcast for more value in life. Coach and mentor Stefan Josef Höck, with his many years of experience in the fields of health and nutrition as well as business and finance, is particularly dedicated to the topics of lifestyle and prosperity. With his own story, he writes in his autobiography on Amazon about the way to find his own vocation in life.

    Have you been looking for change for some time now in order to make the next leap in your career, and once again nothing happens at all?

    Heraus aus der Box – Hinein in eine glanzvolle Zukunft

    Herzlich Willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des Podcast von „Lebenswert TV“, dem Podcast für mehr Lebenswert. Coach und Mentor Stefan Josef Höck widmet sich durch seine langjährige Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Wirtschaft und Finanzen besonders den Themen Lifestyle und Wohlstand. Mit seiner eigenen Geschichte schreibt er in seiner Autobiografie auf Amazon über den Weg, die eigene Berufung im Leben zu finden.

    Suchst du schon länger nach Veränderung, um den nächsten Sprung in der Karriere zu machen, und es passiert wieder einmal überhaupt nichts?

    Finding enlightenment with flashes of inspiration

    Welcome to the new episode of the podcast of „Life Value TV“, the podcast for more value in life. Coach and mentor Stefan Josef Höck, with his many years of experience in the fields of health and nutrition as well as business and finance, is particularly dedicated to the topics of lifestyle and prosperity. With his own story, he writes in his autobiography on Amazon about the way to find his own vocation in life.

    What do you think rather:
    „Nothing will come of it anyway!“ or
    „That’s so awesome, I absolutely have to keep at it!“

    Mit Geistesblitzen zur Erleuchtung

    Herzlich Willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des Podcast von „Lebenswert TV“, dem Podcast für mehr Lebenswert. Coach und Mentor Stefan Josef Höck widmet sich durch seine langjährige Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Wirtschaft und Finanzen besonders den Themen Lifestyle und Wohlstand. Mit seiner eigenen Geschichte schreibt er in seiner Autobiografie auf Amazon über den Weg, die eigene Berufung im Leben zu finden.

    Was denkst du eher: „Daraus wird eh nichts“! oder „Das ist so genial, da muss ich unbedingt dranbleiben!“

    Checkpoint Future – At what level are You?

    Welcome to the new episode of the podcast of „Life Value TV“, the podcast for more value in life. Coach and mentor Stefan Josef Höck, with his many years of experience in the fields of health and nutrition as well as business and finance, is particularly dedicated to the topics of lifestyle and prosperity. With his own story, he writes in his autobiography on Amazon about the way to find his own vocation in life.

    Are you already on the path you envisioned for 2021?